Sheriff Michael Main
Address: 207 N Court St. Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
Telephone: 989-772-5911
Website: http://www.isabellacounty.org/dept/sheriff
Hello my name is Michael Main, On February 29, 2016, I became the 42nd Sheriff for Isabella County. I was appointed to the position after the former Sheriff resigned. The appointment process required written intent to become Sheriff, resume and a presentation from each candidate. I was very fortunate to have been selected by the panel, who by statute was required to choose the next Sheriff. The appointment is for the remaining of the four-year term, which will be completed on December 31, 2016.
I was born and raised in Isabella County, Michigan on a family owned dairy farm. I’m married with four boys ranging from 22 to 6 years old. I have been involved in public safety since 1988. I’m a certified fire fighter and emergency medical technician. I’m also a member of the Cause and Origin Fire Investigation unit. In the past I served as a certified Hazardous Materials Technician for Isabella County’s Hazardous Materials team and Medical Examiner Investigator for Isabella County.
I have attended courses at Kirtland Community College, Montcalm Community College, Mid-Michigan Community College, Central Michigan University, and the University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences in an effort to remain current with higher education methodology and skills. I’m currently enrolled at Ashworth University and working towards my Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice
I graduated from Kirtland Community College Police Academy as a certified law enforcement officer in 1998 with a 4.0 making the Dean’s list. I worked for the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Police Department for eleven years as a road patrol officer, road sergeant and administrative supervisor. During that time, I was also assigned as the emergency manager for the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe. In 2009 I took a position as the Chief of Police for the Village of Shepherd, which I held for close to seven years. From that position, I was appointed Sheriff. During my 27 years in public safety, 18 of which are in law enforcement. I have had 23 years of public safety command experience with 14 years of supervisor and police chief level experience in law enforcement.
I have over 2500 hours of law enforcement training in conjunction with emergency management, fire and rescue related training. Some of my law enforcement training consists of:
- Interview and Interrogation
- Field Officer Trainer and Field Officer Training Supervisor
- Digital Photography, Closed Caption Television Analysis and Installation
- Arson Investigation
- Terrorism related training
- Evidence Technician and Evidence Room Supervisor
- Clandestine Lab Responder and Supervisor
- Hazard Materials Technician
- Pressure Point Control Tactics, Aerosol and Taser trained
- Incident Command 100 to 800
- Michigan Association of Chief of Police School
Some of my professional passions involve the schools and school safety. I have been a board member of the Schools Educators Police Liaison Association (SEPLA) for four years. I have played a leadership role with the Isabella County School Safety Alliance. I have furthered my training in such things as A.L.I.C.E. which helps teach and educate students, teachers and staff on how to react and respond to critical situations. I have put on training’s for bus safety, school safety and trending matters related to our youth. I have put on safety presentations to groups such as the Isabella County Commission on Aging and other organizations.
Some of my current goals include working heavily with the community mental health. I have been working with several support agencies such as Central Michigan Health and Human Services along with other local groups to design a procedure for pre and post booking options for inmates that need mental health treatment in lieu of jail. I have been a member of the 1016 group in our county for the last several years. This group brings trainings and other community awareness events to our area in order to educate the public on dangerous drugs and alcohol. I have also made some changes which include re-enter into the Bay Area Narcotics Team with a deputy from the Sheriff’s Office. In doing so this will help to increase prevention and enforcement of dangerous drugs in our community. I’m also in the process of developing different options for transparency for the Office. This will include statistical data readily available to the local governments, social media to keep people informed and technology to protect both law enforcement and the citizens.
I have loved growing up and living in this county and its communities. I’m blessed to be able to have my children growing up within the same culture. I have enjoyed my career thus far and feel very satisfied in being able to give back in so many ways. I’m very excited about this new professional challenge and look forward to doing more for our citizens.