Sheriff Troy Goodnough
Address: 100 East Second St. Monroe, MI 48161
Telephone: 734-240-7401
Website: http://www.co.monroe.mi.us/officials_and_departments/officials/sheriff/index.php
Sheriff Goodnough was elected Sheriff in the fall of 2020.
Prior to being Sheriff, he had quite an extensive history with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.
Sheriff Troy Goodnough joined the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office as a reserve deputy in 1987 while in the Tool & Die Apprenticeship program at Monroe County Community College. Upon completion, he was hired as a correctional officer in 1990. In 1991, he graduated from the Delta College Regional Police Academy and was assigned to the Road Patrol Division. Sheriff Goodnough was assigned to the Detective Bureau and to a Michigan State Police narcotics team, Michigan State Police auto theft and surveillance team and Traffic Services before being promoted to sergeant in 2001. In 2006, Sheriff Goodnough was promoted to lieutenant (District Commander) and in 2013, he was promoted to Major of Jail Operations. Sheriff Goodnough is certified in Accident Reconstruction, was a field training officer and member of the Sheriff’s Office Special Response Team.
Sheriff Goodnough graduated from Spring Arbor University with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Organizational Management and in 2018; he earned a Master’s of Public Administration from the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
Sheriff Goodnough is also active civically in his community serving as a member of the Board of Directors for the Monroe Family YMCA, Monroe Center for Healthy Aging, Michigan Sheriffs’ Association, Monroe Chapter of Ducks Unlimited and Kiwanis Club of Monroe.