Sheriff Douglas L. Chapman
Address: 201 E McArthur St. Corunna, MI 48817
Telephone: 989-743-3411 / Fax (989) 743-6423
Website: http://www.shiawassee.net/Sheriff/
Sheriff Douglas L. Chapman was born and raised in Durand, Michigan. He graduated from Durand High School in 1981. His career with the Shiawassee County Sheriff’s Office began when he was hired as a Correctional Deputy on October 1, 1994. He was sponsored by then Sheriff James A. LaJoye to attend the Flint Police Academy, and graduated in 1995.Doug then became a Road Patrol Deputy and was promoted to Road Sergeant in January, 2003. He spent 22 years as a night time Road Sergeant until 2015, when he was promoted to the position of Administrative Sergeant.
In 2016 Sheriff Chapman became a board member of the 35th Circuit Court Drug Court and Mental Health Court. He is a member of the Michigan Sheriffs’ Association Victims Support Unit.
Sheriff Chapman’s commitment to fighting the drug epidemic is personal and limitless. He became the founder of D.E.F.Y. (Drug Education for Youth) in 2018 and then became the President of Families Against Narcotics/Shiawassee Chapter in 2019. Sheriff Chapman also serves as an advocate for Megan’s A.R.M.Y. (Addiction Recovery Movement for Youth).
With 30 years of law enforcement where he has been a lifetime resident, he is honored to serve the citizens of Shiawassee County.